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Volunteer - Intern

Volunteer Intern

Services Description

  1. Assist social worker with caseloads
  2. Conduct clinical intakes
  3. Conduct individual therapy with supervision
  4. Develop and Facilitate groups (produce final product)
  5. Facilitate admissions process
  6. Observe Psychiatric Evaluations
  7. Develop and implement recreation and socialization activities
  8. Offer input into treatment plans, progress notes, etc
  9. Actively participate in weekly staff meetings and scheduled trainings
  10. Assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Program Director


Volunteers – Must posses a general insight/understanding of the chronic mentally challenged population. Must be able to display a true concern for the well being of all RIMS Center patients. Must demonstrate a willingness to actively participate in daily program functions.

Interns – Must be actively pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree or Masters in Social Work in a mental health-related field; be approved by the Intern-Academic Advisor from the accredited College or University; and possess a willingness to actively participate.

Interns and volunteers are an addition to staff and not to be used or counted as regular staff.