Make A Referral
We are a comprehensive behavioral health care facility.
The Referral Process
A. Referral Form
- Upon receiving a Referral, RIMS will inquire through the public mental health system (PMHC), an individual’s eligibility to receive services through our program.
- Individuals who are uninsured may be eligible under the Maryland Uninsured Program; complete the Uninsured Questionnaire and submit with the Referral form.
- If a patient is not eligible to receive mental health services with RIMS, the patient and/or the referral source will be notified.
B. Screening and Assessment
- An Intake Coordinator will contact the individual referred or the guardian when applicable, to collaborate a day and time to complete a Mental Health Assessment. This will assist RIMS with establishing goals for recovery, strengths, and treatment needs.
We provide a triad of services that has proven to assist patients with coping and the recovery of mental health illnesses.