What Is Individual Psychotherapy
Individual therapy is a process that many people think of as “talk therapy,” because that’s exactly what happens. You meet with a therapist for a one-on-one session to talk about issues of concern.
When specific issues in your life are causing distress and interfere with your normal activities, it may be time to seek psychotherapy. For many people, the goal is to cope better with the challenging issues of life. For others, the goal may be to overcome childhood traumas, or to deal with depression or anxiety. Personal growth and greater self-knowledge are always the by-products of psychotherapy.
What happens in psychotherapy?
A therapist can serve as a listening ear, and a guide in teaching you better coping skills and strategies to relieve stress. With the therapist’s guidance, you will learn to explore your feelings, beliefs and behaviors – and how they influence your life. You may work through difficult memories. You might identify aspects of your life you wish to change, or understand better. You can set personal goals, and work toward achieving them.
You and your therapist will set a schedule that works for both of you. You might have a month of weekly sessions, or several years of weekly sessions. The schedule is set based on your unique needs and goals for your therapy.
Through therapy, people gather tools to manage symptoms, alleviate stress, and face challenges.
Psychotherapy prevents relapses
People struggling with moderate depression and anxiety have very positive results from psychotherapy. Research shows they are less likely to have relapses (setbacks) long after their treatment ends. In fact, the combination of psychotherapy and medication has helped many people greatly – better than those who only took medication.
Take time to interview a few psychotherapists, to see which feels right. Do you feel comfortable talking with this person? Could you discuss personal details with them? Do they listen carefully, and respond in a helpful manner?
Don’t be shy about calling to set an appointment for a quick phone interview. It’s in your best interest to find the right therapist – one whose style and personality match yours. Give psychotherapy a try if life has thrown too many curve balls your way. We all need help at those critical times.